By: John Maadi
There are two development games in this global economy. One wins and the other loses. The old game uses siloed thinking and outdated constraints. The old game is slow and expensive. These companies watch as other companies run right by them. The winners are the players of “Visionary Velocity”.
After the tech bubble burst, many companies shifted their mindset from “grow head count at all costs”, to right-sizing the team and expenses to support a profitable and sustainable growth plan. As things begin to stabilize, some companies have jumped right back into their old habits, but IntelyCare, the leading tech-enabled nurse staffing platform for healthcare organizations in the United States, pivoted. They shifted their mindset to leverage global talent in bursts with well-defined objectives. They became more open to remote and dispersed teams and leveraged a “scale up and down model” to support critical initiatives. They needed a partner who could scale very quickly and who had the operational capabilities to match this way of working. Introducing Commit!